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A Regatta Tablescape for Summer, and also for Labor Day, Fourth of July, Memorial Day, etc.

This table uses sailboat dishes, sailboat centerpieces, and red, white and blue accessories to create a tabletop Regatta, complete with nautical flags, for summer and/or 4th of July. …

Whimsical Water Animals Tablescape Celebrates Summer at the Seashore

The West Elm Dapper Animal summer plates inspired a Whimsical Water Animal Tablescape where the centerpieces add some whimsy as well. …

Tropical Bird Tablescape and What Felt Like a Tropical Storm

Flooding caused a delay with a new tablescape post, so today’s post contains links to a Tropical Bird Tablescape from the Past; and a Brand New post about the flooding -“Lake Life- When the Lake Takes Over the Yard” …

Lake Life – When the Lake Takes Over The Yard

May 2, 2024 Heavy rains over multiple days cause our lake to rise above the bulkhead, and yards are “annexed” in to the lake. Stories of flood preparedness, the flood itself and the aftermath are all included. …

Birds, Blooms, and a Bride

Birds, Blooms, and a Bride – Three tablescapes from past posts celebrate Spring and the beginning of Summer. The tablescapes include: April Showers bring May Flowers; Hummingbirds and a Bridal Shower. …

A Blue and White Mother’s Day Tablescape

This Blue and White “Mother’s Day” Tablescape features Danish Mother’s Day plates and each plate spotlights an animal mom and her babies. Cambridge Glass pieces in Moonlight blue add to the blue effects. …